Monday, August 6, 2007

a "once-in-a-lifetime" feeling

its funny how i never stop missing people. it's just crazy, i think to myself. i mean, i see my friends, even my best friend, she doesn't miss anyone because all of the people she loves are nearby...and i? i always live in this bubble, i guess it's part of my life now, this missing thing. i will always be busy in when i'm gonna fly away from here and see him and be together with him. maybe that's why i don't wanna be with the other one now?
i feel like i'm so mean to him and that's why i'm trying so hard being nice to him, but is it just being two faces? or is it normal?

im trying to stay calm and relaxed and trying so hard not to get excited from little things. trying to have fun basically.
i guess this is the life of a girl who has been traveling around the world. it's not easy i can promise that, but it's interesting though.

i'm having interesting conversations with interesting people lately and it's fun, i like that. i like talking to people about what happened to me and what is happening right now. it makes my mind bring new thoughts, and i get more connected to people. i guess it wasn't so hard moving to Israel after all.
yesterday my brother came over, god i missed him! i like the fact i can come over to his place [although it's like one hour away from my city but's nothing compare to one million miles lol] and the fact he can over too.
i guess it's the best summer vacation i've ever had. i'm having the best time of my life. i'm doing everything i can, going clubbing and to the beach, to Tel-Aviv, ahhhh i love this city!! hmm, yeah i guess it was the best thing having him hear, it made the holiday more exciting! my sister's wedding which was the best part of the holiday! and hey! the holiday hasn't finished yet!
for the last holiday before i'll go to the army i guess it was perfect! even thought i had the bible course, still it was interesting...

you know how sometimes you just smell the happiness? how you wake up in the morning and you have butterflies in your stomach from nothing? i'm sure it's the happiness i'm having right now..hope it'll stay long before it goes down to the ground.

love you a lot. i'm so happy when i get comments, please leave some <3


Amanda Stravinsky said...

i think it's so cool how you're able to travel around the world, see so many new and exciting things. when i'm a journalist, i definately want to go to as many different countries as i can!

oh! thank you so much for praying for tommy! my dad's in west VA now but i dont know how tommy's doing. still praying...but yea, thank you!

keep posting!

<3 amanda

Don't waste your breath said...

I am so jealous that you get to travel the world...that's a lot of people's dreams that don't come true. Never stop cherishing that.
